• 3 Situations When It's Best To Seek An Employment Lawyer's Advice Before Firing An Employee

    Having to terminate employees is just part of operating a business, and you do have the right to do so when certain situations come up. However, you really do have to be careful about who you let go and when. It is possible to get slapped with a wrongful termination lawsuit in some situations. In these cases, it is best to speak with an employer attorney for help. Here is a look at some situations when you should seek legal advice before you let someone go.
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  • Corporate Fraud Rules Are Tighter Than You Think

    As hard as it might be to imagine that corporate fraud rules are actually tighter than you may think, you'd be shocked to learn what any securities law attorney would tell you. The regulations governing what counts as fraudulent behavior focus on who is the "maker" of deceptive materials. That seems reasonable, but legal interpretations of just who can be held liable for making fraudulent claims are surprisingly broad. Let's examine this topic more closely from the viewpoint of a corporate lawyer.
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  • Being Discriminated Against By Your Employer? Know The Types Of Evidence

    Are you in a tough situation where you are being discriminated against by your current employer? You may fear taking any action toward them since you are unsure if you will come out of the situation any better. Here is some of the evidence you should have before pursuing a discrimination lawsuit. Direct Evidence The best thing you can have to help your case is some sort of direct evidence that proves you were discriminated against.
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  • Why A Store Owner May Be Liable For A Dog Bite On Their Premises

    If a dog bites you in a store, it is not just the dog owner who may be liable for your injuries; even the store owner may share in the blame. Below are some of the circumstances that make a store owner liable for dog bites on their property. Store Owner Knew of Animal's Danger Many jurisdictions are reluctant to hold stores responsible for all animal attacks that occur on their premises.
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  • How Can You Legally Protect Your Intellectual Property?

    When you create your own product or idea, you need to take steps to protect it so no one else attempts to use it. Here are some different legal methods you can use to protect your intellectual property: Copyright  A copyright is typically used with an artistic production or another creative work. A copyright grants you the right to distribute your work to those you choose. You can copyright a number of properties, including books, paintings, computer programs, and internet publications.
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  • 3 Types Of Compensation You Can Get After A Car Accident

    After you have been in a car accident, you don't have to accept the consequences of what happened to you without adequate compensation. If you suffered physical injuries, pain, and suffering, you don't have to just deal with it. You can work with an attorney and sue the driver who caused the accident and their insurance provider in order to get the compensation you need to move on with your life.
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  • What New Small Business Owners Need To Understand About Design Patents

    If your new small business hopes to design products for mass production and resale, then it's important you understand about design patents. To have a long-term business, you will need to obtain patents for each product you design. Why Your Small Business's Design Requires a Patent One of the biggest issues facing product inventors is the large upfront cost of producing the end product for retailers to sell. For example, what happens if your new widget becomes the next big thing with teenagers and retailers order millions of units for immediate delivery?
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  • When It's No Accident: Intentional Torts

    You may have considered taking a person to court for being a careless driver or if you are bitten by a dog. Those incidents – and most personal injury situations – are accidents. No one intended to sideswipe you or make you slip and fall in their store. As long as it's an accident, it falls into a different category than an intentional tort. Read on to find out more about this unique category of personal injury law.
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  • Restrained Against Your Will And Seeking Compensation

    When you are not allowed to move about freely, it can be a terrifying ordeal. Restraining someone against their will is not just wrong, it's both a criminal matter and a personal injury case waiting to happen. Read on to learn more about the little-understood notion of false imprisonment and how to take action. What is False Imprisonment? If you are not free to go or you believe that you are not free to go, that is false imprisonment.
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  • Precautions To Take When Serving Divorce Papers By Mail

    While a lot of people opt to serve divorce papers in person via a third party, another option that you can consider is serving them by mail. This method may be advantageous if your spouse lives in a different state than you. Once your divorce attorney draws up the paperwork that you'll send to your spouse, it's important for you to take a number of precautions to make this process go as smoothly as possible.
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