Getting Divorced? 3 Common Questions About Alimony

Posted on: 27 May 2020

If you're getting divorced, you are likely wondering things like if you'll have to provide alimony to your spouse and how much that may be. Here are answers to a few common questions about alimony that you need to know.

What Is the Difference Between Temporary and Permanent Alimony? 

You'll hear about two different types of alimony during divorce proceedings, which are temporary and permanent alimony. Unfortunately, the names can be a bit deceiving. Temporary alimony can be awarded at the beginning of divorce proceedings, with the intent for alimony to last until the divorce is finalized. This can help provide your spouse with financial assistance while you are separated to help maintain their current standard of living.

Permanent alimony is determined at the end of the divorce process, where a judge will make an official decision on how much alimony will be paid moving forward after everything is finalized. However, permanent alimony is not always permanent, since there are situations that can cause it to go away over time.

Will the Length of a Marriage Alter the Alimony? 

You may be ending a very long marriage or one that was fairly short. That's why it's worth working with a divorce lawyer to understand how your particular situation applies to your local laws. Some states have schedules that determine how much alimony can be awarded based on the length of a marriage, while others do not have a limit. The amount that is owed for alimony ultimately comes down to the ability for someone to pay fair alimony and the actions that lead to the divorce. 

Will a Stay-At-Home Parent Receive More Alimony?

You may be wondering if being a stay-at-home parent will cause the person to receive more alimony from a divorce. After all, that person has been out of the workforce for quite some time and may have difficulty finding employment again. Be aware that the agreement that was reached as a married couple will be considered when determining alimony. 

For example, if one spouse made more money than the other, there may have been an agreement for the person that made less money to stay home. After a divorce, alimony will be necessary to maintain that standard of living due to the sacrifice they made to stay home and raise children. 

Alimony can be a complicated situation, which is why it is worth bringing in a divorce lawyer to help you reach a fair settlement. Visit websites like to learn more. 
