• What Punishments Could You Face With A Reckless Driving Charge?

    Vehicles are very dangerous especially when used in the wrong way. If you drive in an unsafe or reckless manner, then this is a crime. A crime occurs when you operate the vehicle in a way that puts other people at risk. Reckless driving is different from other driving offenses. The charge depends on each individual case. Every state has a list of things that qualify a driver for this offense.
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  • The Most Common Reasons For Bankruptcy Might Not Be What You Think

    There are many reasons people go into debt and must declare bankruptcy. The reasons are as varied as the people who file. While most people think the majority of bankruptcy filings has to do with overspending and credit card debt, they are not in the top 4 reasons. The most common reasons for bankruptcy might not be what you think they are. Medical Expenses The number one reason people go into debt and declare bankruptcy is the high cost of their medical bills.
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  • Missed Diagnosis: Your Injuries and a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit

    If you have received medical care from a treatment provider, and you were misdiagnosed, you are not alone. According to CBS News, 12 million Americans every year are misdiagnosed when they receive outpatient care. This ends up being one in twenty people, a number that makes delayed diagnoses or mistakes common. While a missed or delayed diagnosis is not always considered malpractice, if the mistake causes you injury you might have a viable personal injury lawsuit to file.
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  • Eating Or Drinking While Driving Can Distract You

    Did you know that distracted driving is a criminal offense in most places? This shouldn't be a surprise because distracted driving is one of the leading causes of car accidents, with eating and drinking being common causes of the distractions. Here are some of the ways eating or drinking can cause road accidents: If It Makes You Take Your Eyes Off the Road This occurs when you have to take your eyes off the road so that you can focus on a food related task.
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  • Three Ways To Work Through A Divorce Without Losing Control Of The Situation

    While the transition from married life to single life can be a very disorienting one, and it can be quite stressful to lose your partner and perhaps move houses at the same time, it can get even worse if the process devolves into a fight in court and everything is taken out of your hands by a judge. In order to avoid the feeling of powerlessness and all the possible ways this could go wrong and end up with you losing more of your possessions than you expected, it's a good idea to try and work out a mutually agreeable settlement on your own.
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  • Does Your Business Use Volunteers? Do They Need To Be Covered Under Your Workers' Comp Plan?

    Volunteers are an important asset to many schools, social service organizations, hospitals, nursing homes, adult care centers, and non-profit organizations. Volunteer work is even required in some high schools in order to graduate. The Bureau of Labor Statistics says that between September 2014 and September 2015, more than 62 million people volunteered at least once. But where do volunteers fit into the picture when it comes to workers' compensation coverage? Do they need to be covered or not?
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  • When Is A Property Owner Liable For A Trespasser's Injuries?

    If a trespasser is hurt while on your property, is it possible that you can be held liable? It's a tricky situation, and it isn't a straight yes or no answer. Here's what you need to know about liability if a trespasser is injured while on property that you own. You're Not Liable in General In the majority of cases, you won't be liable if the trespasser is injured. The simple fact is that the trespasser shouldn't have been there and didn't have your permission to step on your land.
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  • Named An Executor Of Estate? Here Are Your Responsibilities

    Many responsibilities are involved after you have been designated as the executor of an estate. You need to be prepared for a great deal of paperwork before the process is completed. You will be responsible for passing any personal property designated by the will as well as paying any outstanding debts/expenses of the deceased. Continue reading for a full explanation of these duties. Locate the Paperwork You will need copies of the death certificate.
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  • End-Of-Life Documents: What Are They And Why Do You Need Them?

    There are three different types of end-of-life documents, and each one has uses and benefits you should be aware of. In fact, anyone who wants more control over his/her end-of-life affairs will find these documents useful. The Advance Health Care Direction (AHCD) The AHCD gives one person the power to make decisions over your health care if it ever comes to the point where you can't speak or make decisions yourself.
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  • 4 Fact Finding Stages Of Your Auto Accident Case

    Being involved in a collision is sure to make any day more challenging. The extent of your injury and the severity your accident will dictate a number of your financial losses. If these are significant, you will want to consider strongly taking legal action against the other driver. There are many parts to civil litigation and knowing the various stages of fact-finding can be helpful for your situation. The deposition
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