• Three Pivotal Steps To Take When Applying For Social Security Disability

    If you have a disability and have worked long enough, you may be able to qualify for Social Security disability. This program pays monthly benefits to those who can no longer work. Applying for these benefits may seem daunting, but you can improve your odds of acceptance by taking these measures.  Understand Who's Eligible  So that you don't waste your time applying for this benefits program, you need to know what it takes to be considered eligible for Social Security benefits.
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  • What You Should Know About Child Custody

    When you have a child, you want to always do what is best for their safety and well-being. However, sometimes this is not as simple as it sounds, particularly when you are dealing with child custody issues. If you are no longer with your child's other parent, whether you were married or not, you may be looking at trying to negotiate the custody of your child. This can be a challenging process, especially if you have never had to deal with it before.
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  • 3 Subtle Ways Women Face Workplace Discrimination

    "You've come a long way, baby" was the advertising tagline years ago for a cigarette marketed to women. And indeed, women have come a long way as the country nears the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in which women were giving the right to vote. However, when it comes to equality in the workplace, women have gone long enough. Discrimination against women still occurs, and recent current affairs in Hollywood only underline this.
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  • Treating Your Work-Related Injury: What To Know

    Workplace injuries are in a different category than most, but the need to seek treatment is just as vital as with any injury. Your employer has likely provided you with workers' compensation coverage for injuries and occupational illnesses, but the rules about medical treatment may mean that extra steps are needed. To avoid breaking the rules about medical care when you are using workers' compensation, read on. Should I use my own health insurance for a work-related injury?
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  • Hold Off On These Major Purchases Until Your Divorce Is Finalized

    When you and your spouse are going through a divorce, it may feel as though your entire life is under a microscope. Unless the proceedings are overly amicable, you'll often find that your spouse and his or her attorneys are questioning and contesting a lot of the decisions that you make.  Understandably, a lot of the contention around a divorce concerns money. Both parties want to make out well financially, while perhaps not seeing their spouse get any more money than is necessary.
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  • Be Ready For Your Spouse To Make These Claims During A Contentious Child Custody Situation

    Few things can make divorce proceedings contentious as quickly as talking about custody of the children. If you and your spouse both want custody, you'll definitely each need to hire divorce attorneys who can present each of your cases to a judge who can then make a ruling. Even if other elements of the divorce have been fairly amicable, things can quickly become heated and accusatory as both of you fight to gain custody of the children.
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  • How To Recover Damages After A Spouse Vandalizes Your Vehicle

    A romantic relationship is important for your well-being and happiness. Unfortunately, relationships are not always easy. If a relationship is unhealthy, then you will see both parties lash out each other. However, it should never cross the line of physical abuse or damaging your spouse's property. Read on to find out how to recover damages after a spouse vandalizes your vehicle. File A Police Report You should call the police the moment that you know your vehicle has been damaged.
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  • Wills And Blended Families: What You Need To Know

    Having a blended family is very common now, which makes estate planning all the more important. When you get remarried, a lot of new family members also come into play, and it is crucial that you have made all the necessary plans with regard to your estate should you pass away. The following are some things you need to understand when dealing with your estate in a blended family: Decide How Important Decisions Will be Dealt With
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  • Lawyers, Legal Liabilities, And Liquor Licenses

    Opening a bar or a restaurant that serves liquor is not quite as easy as it sounds. There are dozens of situations that would either prevent you from getting a liquor license or stall you in getting one. Meanwhile, your bar or your restaurant suffers and loses money because you cannot serve alcoholic beverages. What most first-time establishment owners do not realize is that they can get a lawyer's help with most of these issues.
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  • Two Ways To Get Through Probate Faster

    One reason why heirs and beneficiaries hate the probate process is because it can take up to three years for them to see the proceeds from wills left behind by their deceased loved ones. Although there are a number of things people can do to minimize the risk of their estate going into probate before they die, there aren't many things heirs and beneficiaries can do to fast track the process after their loved one has died.
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