Why Your Business Needs A Corporate Lawyer

Posted on: 16 September 2021

When you launch a company, your focus is on the core business functions like production, distribution, and marketing. As a result, only a few entrepreneurs take time to evaluate the need for legal support services. In most cases, business owners rush to engage a lawyer when they get into legal suits. So, if you are still unsure whether you need a corporate lawyer for your business, here are the reasons for retaining one. 

Support With Business Incorporation 

The business incorporation process is not always straightforward. Usually, there are many legal hurdles to navigate. A corporate lawyer is a guru in business law and understands all the legal requirements for registering different types of business. Thus, the attorney can help you prepare and file the necessary documents based on business ownership. This way, you can reduce the time it takes to have your business up and running. In addition, the attorney can advise you on the pros and cons of different corporations based on liability. 

Enhanced Legal Compliance 

A corporate lawyer helps you internalize the Federal, State, and local laws that apply to your type of business. For instance, a company will require operational licenses and permits to offer products. More so, companies may be required to maintain mandatory insurance to protect third parties. Also, a company needs to file tax returns and avoid fraudulent practices. Besides, there are labor laws that govern how to employ and terminate employees. Therefore, the lawyer ensures that the business is fully compliant to avoid lawsuits and penalties.

Handling Business Contracts 

A typical business produces multiple forms of contracts. Typically, agreements help to manage relationships and expectations between the company and its stakeholders. Business contracts may include the following:

  • Partnership agreements 
  • Shareholders agreements 
  • Property lease agreements 
  • Employment contracts 
  • Sales and purchase contracts
  • Credit agreements 

The listed contracts lead to legal obligations. Thus, a corporate lawyer helps in drafting and reviewing such agreements to safeguard business interests. In addition, the lawyer ensures that the contracts are enforceable and the business owner understands the implications. 

Managing Lawsuits 

The primary role of a corporate lawyer is to prevent the risk of lawsuits. Essentially, every business faces diverse scenarios that can lead to lawsuits and legal damages. Broadly, corporates can face civil suits such as liability cases or criminal charges. The ideal attorney analyses the business risks and prescribes measures to preempt the chances of lawsuits. However, the lawyers have the skills and experience to represent the business in a litigation process. In such scenarios, the lawyers will prepare evidence and witnesses needed to defend the company. On the other hand, there are scenarios where the business may sue other parties, such as breach of contract or patent. As such, the corporate lawyer will also argue for the case merits for a favorable determination. 

A corporate lawyer is not a luxury but a necessity for business survival. Engage a local lawyer, such as Ashley West at Carter West Law, and explore the full benefits of legal representation and protection for your business.  
