Two Tricks A Liable Driver May Use To Avoid Responsibility For Car Accident

Posted on: 9 August 2023

Most people take responsibility for their part in auto accidents. Unfortunately, some folks will do whatever they can to avoid paying any compensation to victims for the damages they caused. Here are two common tricks these types of people will employ, and what you can do to protect yourself and ensure you get the money you're owed.

Offer to Pay Damages "Off the Books"

One tactic you may encounter after being involved in a vehicle collision is the liable party may offer to pay for your medical bills and auto repairs out of their pocket. They will only do this, though, if you don't file a claim with the insurance company.

You'll hear various reasons for this request. They don't want their insurance rates to go up or don't want their spouse to know they were in a fender bender. If you don't agree, they will try to persuade you by claiming the insurance company will take a long time to resolve the claim or even threaten you by vowing to impede the process in any way they can.

While it may be tempting to take the person up on the offer, you absolutely shouldn't. Even if the person does pay, you'll likely end up settling for less money than you would've gotten if you had filed a claim with the insurance company. You'll also be limiting your options for getting more compensation if you discover you were shortchanged down the road. Insurance companies deny claims if you wait too long to file. You can hire an attorney to sue the person directly, but they may not have the money to pay.

What's more likely to happen, though, is the person will promise to pay and then ghost you, never to be heard from again. Rather than take this risk, politely decline the offer, and file a claim with the insurance company as soon as possible.

Gives Fake Insurance Information

Another trick the driver may attempt is to give you false insurance information. For instance, they'll give you information about a policy that's been canceled or doesn't belong to them. This mostly occurs in cases where the other driver doesn't have insurance at all, but it can happen when the person just doesn't want to pay.

Luckily, your insurance company has the means to track down the person and get the right information. Usually, you'll need to provide them with basic identifying information, such as the vehicle's plate number or VIN. An attorney can also help you track the person down and use a variety of legal means to make them provide the correct information.

For advice on how to handle your auto accident case, contact a local motor vehicle accident lawyer.
