When It's No Accident: Intentional Torts

Posted on: 27 March 2019
You may have considered taking a person to court for being a careless driver or if you are bitten by a dog. Those incidents – and most personal injury situations – are accidents. No one intended to sideswipe you or make you slip and fall in their store. As long as it's an accident, it falls into a different category than an intentional tort. Read on to find out more about this unique category of personal injury law.
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Restrained Against Your Will And Seeking Compensation

Posted on: 27 March 2019
When you are not allowed to move about freely, it can be a terrifying ordeal. Restraining someone against their will is not just wrong, it's both a criminal matter and a personal injury case waiting to happen. Read on to learn more about the little-understood notion of false imprisonment and how to take action. What is False Imprisonment? If you are not free to go or you believe that you are not free to go, that is false imprisonment.
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Precautions To Take When Serving Divorce Papers By Mail

Posted on: 23 February 2019
While a lot of people opt to serve divorce papers in person via a third party, another option that you can consider is serving them by mail. This method may be advantageous if your spouse lives in a different state than you. Once your divorce attorney draws up the paperwork that you'll send to your spouse, it's important for you to take a number of precautions to make this process go as smoothly as possible.
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Places to Store Critical Evidence During a Divorce

Posted on: 16 January 2019
There are many different reasons that couples decide to end their marriage, with some couples reaching this conclusion together and some spouses making the decision themselves. It's possible that your spouse's behavior—namely an extramarital affair—leads you to decide to file for divorce. In this at-fault scenario, you'll want to have a lot of evidence about the affair that you can use, especially if the divorce proceedings get nasty. This evidence could come in several forms, including photos from a private investigator and even a conversation that you recorded of you and your spouse talking.
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