Places to Store Critical Evidence During a Divorce
Posted on:
16 January 2019
There are many different reasons that couples decide to end their marriage, with some couples reaching this conclusion together and some spouses making the decision themselves. It's possible that your spouse's behavior—namely an extramarital affair—leads you to decide to file for divorce. In this at-fault scenario, you'll want to have a lot of evidence about the affair that you can use, especially if the divorce proceedings get nasty. This evidence could come in several forms, including photos from a private investigator and even a conversation that you recorded of you and your spouse talking.
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Three Pivotal Steps To Take When Applying For Social Security Disability
Posted on:
4 December 2018
If you have a disability and have worked long enough, you may be able to qualify for Social Security disability. This program pays monthly benefits to those who can no longer work. Applying for these benefits may seem daunting, but you can improve your odds of acceptance by taking these measures.
Understand Who's Eligible
So that you don't waste your time applying for this benefits program, you need to know what it takes to be considered eligible for Social Security benefits.
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What You Should Know About Child Custody
Posted on:
19 October 2018
When you have a child, you want to always do what is best for their safety and well-being. However, sometimes this is not as simple as it sounds, particularly when you are dealing with child custody issues. If you are no longer with your child's other parent, whether you were married or not, you may be looking at trying to negotiate the custody of your child. This can be a challenging process, especially if you have never had to deal with it before.
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3 Subtle Ways Women Face Workplace Discrimination
Posted on:
14 September 2018
"You've come a long way, baby" was the advertising tagline years ago for a cigarette marketed to women. And indeed, women have come a long way as the country nears the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in which women were giving the right to vote. However, when it comes to equality in the workplace, women have gone long enough. Discrimination against women still occurs, and recent current affairs in Hollywood only underline this.
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