Named An Executor Of Estate? Here Are Your Responsibilities

Posted on: 10 August 2016
Many responsibilities are involved after you have been designated as the executor of an estate. You need to be prepared for a great deal of paperwork before the process is completed. You will be responsible for passing any personal property designated by the will as well as paying any outstanding debts/expenses of the deceased. Continue reading for a full explanation of these duties. Locate the Paperwork You will need copies of the death certificate.
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End-Of-Life Documents: What Are They And Why Do You Need Them?

Posted on: 27 July 2016
There are three different types of end-of-life documents, and each one has uses and benefits you should be aware of. In fact, anyone who wants more control over his/her end-of-life affairs will find these documents useful. The Advance Health Care Direction (AHCD) The AHCD gives one person the power to make decisions over your health care if it ever comes to the point where you can't speak or make decisions yourself.
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4 Fact Finding Stages Of Your Auto Accident Case

Posted on: 12 July 2016
Being involved in a collision is sure to make any day more challenging. The extent of your injury and the severity your accident will dictate a number of your financial losses. If these are significant, you will want to consider strongly taking legal action against the other driver. There are many parts to civil litigation and knowing the various stages of fact-finding can be helpful for your situation. The deposition
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Why You Should File For Bankruptcy Sooner Rather Than Later

Posted on: 23 June 2016
If you find yourself overwhelmed with debt and have decided to file for chapter 13 bankruptcy, the next question is when you should file. The longer you wait, the more stress you're likely to face. If they haven't already done so, creditors will begin collection actions against you. If you're behind in your mortgage, you may face foreclosure. Here are some good reasons to contact an attorney and begin the bankruptcy process right away.
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