3 Tips To Prepare For A Divorce

Posted on: 30 July 2020
Have you reached the point where you finally feel confident and certain that getting divorced is the right move? If so, you might want to start preparing for it. Preparing for it helps you know what to expect, and it might also help you get better results from your case. Here are three tips you can use to prepare for your upcoming divorce. Educate Yourself One of the best things you can do with any event in life is educate yourself about it.
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Your Options When Facing A DWI Charge

Posted on: 2 July 2020
Being convicted of a DWI or DUI is never a favorable event to have on your record, but what can you do about it if you were arrested for one of these charges? You have a few options to consider, but you will not know these options until you visit a lawyer who handles DWI defense cases. Once you visit a lawyer, you can learn more about the possibilities for your situation.
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Getting Divorced? 3 Common Questions About Alimony

Posted on: 27 May 2020
If you're getting divorced, you are likely wondering things like if you'll have to provide alimony to your spouse and how much that may be. Here are answers to a few common questions about alimony that you need to know. What Is the Difference Between Temporary and Permanent Alimony?  You'll hear about two different types of alimony during divorce proceedings, which are temporary and permanent alimony. Unfortunately, the names can be a bit deceiving.
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What To Know When Preparing Your Personal Injury Lawsuit

Posted on: 24 April 2020
It can be an incredibly upsetting experience to suffer an injury in an accident. When you are dealing with injuries, it can be particularly challenging to get back on your feet following an accident. However, it is important to remember that you have legal rights. Under the law of personal injury, you may have the right to file a lawsuit, take the liable party to court, and potentially receive monetary damages for your injuries.
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