Divorcing? 3 Ways Separate Assets May Have Become Marital Property

Posted on: 7 June 2021
During a divorce, it's important that you and your spouse identify all the assets or money that could be marital property subject to division. Leaving marital property assets off the table lowers the amount with which you will walk away from the divorce. So even if a particular asset or assets seems like separate property — items your spouse entered the marriage with — don't rule out that it may have become marital property.
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Top 4 Reasons To Hire A Bail Bond Service

Posted on: 28 April 2021
If you find yourself in prison, you may be looking for a way to raise funds rapidly to get yourself out of jail. But raising the funds yourself isn't the only option available. Here are several reasons why you should consider hiring a bail bonds service rather than trying to resolve the issue on your own or just remaining in jail: 1. You Can Get Out of Jail More Quickly
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Hiring A Medical Malpractice Lawyer: Frequently Asked Questions

Posted on: 31 March 2021
No one expects to be the victim of medical malpractice. After all, putting your health and well-being in the hands of a medical professional requires a certain degree of trust in their abilities. Unfortunately, in some cases, these medical professionals will act in a negligent manner and end up doing more harm than good. In these situations, filing a medical malpractice claim can help individuals to collect the compensation they deserve as a result of their injuries.
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What to Know About Parenting on Through a Divorce

Posted on: 1 March 2021
The children of divorcing parties occupy a special category. Both federal and state laws have been developed to ensure that children are protected as much as they can be as the parents part ways. When many consider what it means to protect a child, they may primarily consider the emotional and practical aspects. To do a good job, though, of protecting a child during a divorce, you must also consider some important legal and financial issues.
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