Bankruptcy: The Trustee's Role
Posted on:
29 May 2015
Bankruptcy can be imagined as a series of steps, or a process. It can take months from the time you make your decision to file for bankruptcy until the final declaration. In between those times, you will be preparing to file by gathering your financial paperwork and formally filing with the court. A key player throughout the bankruptcy process is the trustee, a court appointed official who will be overseeing your bankruptcy.
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Current Custody Orders Not Working Out? 4 Reasons Why You May Want To Have Them Modified
Posted on:
13 May 2015
Your custody and visitation order might have been acceptable to both parties when you finalized your divorce. However, circumstances can change. If your custody arrangements are no longer working, you might need to have them modified. Before you can change your custody arrangements, you'll need to go to court and have a judge approve the changes.
You'll need to have a legitimate reason for requesting the changes. Here are a few reasons why a judge may approve changes to your custody orders:
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Lost A Loved One? How To Prevent Arguments With Family Members Over The Estate
Posted on:
23 April 2015
If you have recently lost a loved one, you are probably going through a lot as you try to deal with the mourning and grieving process. What can make this situation a whole lot worse is if your family seems determined to argue about your loved one's estate. You probably want to ensure that everyone gets their fair share, but one thing that you might not feel like doing is going through the argument that can often go along with it.
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Corporate Law: 2 Common Franchise Disputes & How An Attorney Can Help
Posted on:
13 April 2015
Attorneys who specialize in corporate law are often solicited by those who need assistance with franchise disputes. Opening a franchise, whether it's a department store chain or a fast food restaurant, can be an exiting and lucrative venture. Unfortunately, the laws regarding franchising are quite complex, and owners often find themselves facing lawsuits regarding a breach of agreement or unpaid royalties. If you're on the receiving end of a franchise dispute, or are contemplating filing one yourself, the following illustrates a few ways a corporate attorney can provide assistance.
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