Lost A Loved One? How To Prevent Arguments With Family Members Over The Estate

Posted on: 23 April 2015
If you have recently lost a loved one, you are probably going through a lot as you try to deal with the mourning and grieving process. What can make this situation a whole lot worse is if your family seems determined to argue about your loved one's estate. You probably want to ensure that everyone gets their fair share, but one thing that you might not feel like doing is going through the argument that can often go along with it.
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Corporate Law: 2 Common Franchise Disputes & How An Attorney Can Help

Posted on: 13 April 2015
Attorneys who specialize in corporate law are often solicited by those who need assistance with franchise disputes. Opening a franchise, whether it's a department store chain or a fast food restaurant, can be an exiting and lucrative venture. Unfortunately, the laws regarding franchising are quite complex, and owners often find themselves facing lawsuits regarding a breach of agreement or unpaid royalties. If you're on the receiving end of a franchise dispute, or are contemplating filing one yourself, the following illustrates a few ways a corporate attorney can provide assistance.
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Social Security Disability Cases: Why Hiring A Lawyer Is Worth The Cost

Posted on: 1 April 2015
If you are filing a social security disability claim, the process can be confusing and you might be up against an employer that is reluctant to pay out. You may feel like bringing in a lawyer to help fight your case would be an expensive endeavor, but this might be your only option. Here are three reasons you can afford to bring in a lawyer to help settle your social security disability benefit claims.
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How Your Home Inspection Can Help You Negotiate A Better Offer

Posted on: 25 March 2015
A home inspection can bring to light issues that can help you negotiate a better deal. You may not feel you need one, but here are some things you should consider before you make an offer on a home. Should You Get an Inspection? The first question that many people have is whether they should get an inspection before or after deciding to make an offer. It always helps to have some information before making an offer.
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